Friday, June 13, 2014

Style Profile: Rami Shetty

   Rami Shetty
age: 22
hood: Notting Hill, London
area of interest: Film/Writing

I'm back at Lauren's (when am I not here?), this time however I am accompanied by the incomparable Rami Shetty.  Londoner by birth and party animal by right, we met last year on 420 when I accidentally broke his roommate's bong stem. "I hated you for a while," He laughed. Although after seeing Rami at a couple more parties (hosting more than one event, himself), he learned to come around to my gracelessness and uncouth nature.

Although concentrating in film at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago,  Rami also focuses a lot of his time writing as well, often taking his real life events and scrawling them into literary pieces of art.

When did you start writing and film?
About 15, when I actually got my shit together... I went to boarding school...then when I was 16, my parents moved out of [our] house and I ended up having the whole place to myself while I was at boarding school; and they were around the world in different places. So, I had a lot of independence, and a lot of time to just mess about with it. 

What do you write about?
I guess its very sort of Gonzo style-- I based a lot of it on my experiences traveling... But, I like to change the characters names and sometimes their personalities for serious legal reasons!

Where do you get inspiration from?
Honestly, I guess maybe a moment of quiet. Like when I'm traveling a lot, and when I got the music on. I just look at things, and then this whole new idea just ends up spreading through my head. 


What are you wearing right now?
Levis, James Pierce, Timbalands, and a thrift store kick ass Hennessy jacket...Turns out they make them for the stockholders from LVMH, and this once from the 80s. Sick, right?

3 brands you love:
Saint Laurent-- absolutely love, Maison Martin, and when I try to go smart, I usually go for Lanvin.

Do you prefer luxury items or vintage items?
I prefer stylish items. It doesn't matter how expensive they are-- if it looks good, it looks good. Its not all about having the priciest shit. 'Cause sometimes people have more money then sense, and they end up walking out of the house looking like trash. 

Okay, so we're gonna do a speed round, I'm gonna yell questions out and you just think about the first thing that comes to mind.
Oh dear god--I think about sex all the time...

Best Movie?
Casablanca-- no, I take that back. Laurence of Arabia.

Chinese or Mexican food?

Song stuck in your head right now?
It's a Pity by Tanya Stephens.

City or 'Burbs?
Neither. Countryside. 


Where can we find you?

Instagram--> ramivms

-Maya Ru

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