Thursday, February 27, 2014

Artist Profile: Wudstock Richie

Wudstock Richie
city: Oak Park
area of interest:music

So I took a trip up to Oak Park to catch up with one of my oldest friends, Wudstock Richie. Richie has been rapping since he was in middle school and as the years have gone by, rose to the top of the Oak Park rapping community. He's in a rap supergroup called ATBMDMFoo with other Oak Park rappers- most of who he's known since elementary school, coincidently enough. We met in middle school via several classes and a mutual love for hip hop. We've been friends for almost 10 years.

Chilling in his basement after the roach was ashed, Richie and I talk a little bullshit about music and his new EP, Different Day, Same Dream (shortened to DDSD).

When did you start rapping?
I started in 6th grade...I did saxophone class in middle school-thats as musical as I got and I wasn't very serious with that. But my friends around me were rapping, so I had tried it. 

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I don't wanna sound cliche and say 'Oh life inspires me everyday!' But it does, and you know I get inspired by artist I like, new things happening in music, you know sounds I hear- but the human experience is the most inspiring. 

Do you think your up bringing in Oak Park has an influence on the what you rap about?
Yeah definitely. You rap about what you see, your environment- it's not crazy over here in Oak Park...Oak Park's a real cultural place I feel, you see a lot of different ethnicities and people here. Lots of ideas of people just doing different things which is inspirational in itself.

Members of ATBMDMFoo

How would you describe your music?
'The new 2014' sound, I'm feeling very demanding and aggressive on my music, I feel like I wanna shake things up in this industry. Its very rebellious I guess its the feel of it. DDSD is gonna be a little more cooler cause I recorded a while ago. But its still very aggressive and in your face... Honest lyricism is what I go for. 

Where is this aggression stemming from?
Not being famous yet-thats where its stemming from! Things I'm hearing, things I wish I could change, the position I'm in, the voice I wish I had- everything. 

Okay were gonna do a speed round right now, so just say the first thing that comes to your mind.
Ask the Questions!

Favorite food.

Best Movie.
Dark Knight

Favorite Place in the World.
Italy! I'm italian so Italy

Song stuck in your head right now.
Berzerk by Eninem. My ringtone. 

City or 'burb life?
'Burb life. I like the suburbs cause its chill...livin' that urban life like a white kid in the burbs. 

Where can we find you?
Twitter--> @Wudstock_Richie
Facebook--> Wudstock Richie
Soundcloud--> Wudstock Richie

-Maya Ru

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I just wanna slay...

So as of late, I've been getting into a little bit of trouble, and I haven't been out as much as I would like to be.
Right now, I'm subjected to writing a five page judicial sanction about why drugs and alcohol are bad. But don't fret for me dear readers! I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough!

In the mean-time, lets take a look at some other 'undesirables' who also fought the power:

The Ukrainian People 
taken from Reddit

After months of civil unrest, the president of Ukraine still has no fucking idea of the power behind those who are willing to fight for their voice to be heard. Back by the Russian government after a much needed bail out, President Yanukovych drowns out the people's cries and instead blames the leaders of the rebellion for 'the worst violence in months of the unrest.'-BBCNEWS

Pussy Riot

And speaking of Russia, by now everyone's probably heard about Pussy Riot- the girl band that's been fucking shit up for the Russians, exposing their bigotry and uncommonly close relationship of church and state to the world. However, being radical has a cost. They were recently in the news; victims of police brutality when they were flogged and pepper sprayed at the Sochi Olympics- all on camera mind you.-BulletMagazine

Azealia Banks

In less important news, my main wench Azealia had her SoundCloud terminated as a part of her 3rd copyright infringement on the site. All two million of her followers erased. FOREVER.

Well done all,
-Maya Ru

Monday, February 10, 2014



So this Monday morning I got a group text from Lauren, the beauteous Fashion major I did a post about last month (apologies are in order for it being so long since I last posted, link is HERE if you missed it) and my resident best friend/neighbor Cass. I had literally spent the whole weekend with these two.

Lauren and Ca$$

Anywho, Lauren was asking about whether or not we still wanted to go to the free concert we had gotten invited to at a party on Saturday. But I guess I hadn't really thought too much about it considering at the time we got invited to the show, I was on my third glass of jungle juice. 

The night slowly turned from this:
To this: 

We decided to have a ditch-day and headed up to River North to the JBTV studios.We saw Cults, an amazing experimental pop band who came out with their new album Static in October. While waiting for the band to warm up, we were led to a 'MacMall' and decided to take selfies on Every. Single. Mac/IPhone. 

What I'm Wearing-Tribal Sweater Thirfted, Stripe Dress Old Navy, Jacket Calvin Klein, Infinity Scarf  Lauren's 

Beauty Boi Bassist Brian Oblivion

If your interested in Cults here's my fave song from their new album and my fave song from their old album.

Always and Forever, from 'Static'
Abducted, from 'Cults'

A biento, 
-Maya Ru